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Cradle ()
#21 Copy


Simon vs. Eithan.

Will Wight

Simon would have no chance to win under any circumstances. If he started out wearing the mask and fully drawing on Nye essence, that's the only chance he would have to see what was killing him.

In any other situation, he would die unaware.

September 2019-December 2019 ()
#22 Copy


Travelers Gate Trilogy has been my personal favorite fantasy series since i read it. And Cradle is easily one of my favorites of all time (if the books length was as long as other epic fantasy series like WoT, Malazan or Stormlight Archives i bet it easily rivals them .. in fact i feel Cradle is just as epic for me).Thank you for bringing life to series i didn't i needed but i did. Which also coincidentally the reason why life is alot more bearable to live(given IRL is brutal)Btw Travelers Gate and Cradle related question if you don't mind me asking.1. If Simon goes ascension route. Is Caela eligible as his future presence ? How about the Eldest ?2. Why did Eithan decide to pick pure madra path ?

Will Wight

Well, we can agree on at least one thing: real life is best escaped whenever possible. I'm glad you enjoy the books!1.) Yeah, Caela could potentially become his Presence if he ascended.2.) It's a spoooooky myyyyyysteeeerrrryyyyy....

Cradle ()
#23 Copy


Early in Blackflame, Cassius mentions that his father sent him. Later on we learn that only Cassius and Eithan have the Arelius bloodline sensing ability, I assume that means that Cassius' mother was the Arelius blood member and that she is dead? In which case I would love to hear more about Cassius' story and how the Arelius family survived before they had an underlord.

Will Wight

No no, Cassias and Eithan (and technically Cassias' son, but he's very young) are the only bloodline Arelius in the city at that time.

Reaper Spoiler Stream ()
#24 Copy


How could Eithan claim to be under 35 for the uncrowned tourney?

Will Wight

There’s two ways that could’ve happened with information that is already presented in Reaper. The Origin Shroud if its powerful enough to deceive the Mad King and Ozriel then it’s powerful enough to deceive people on Cradle, right? And then Eithan had to incarnate into a real mortal body. This wasn’t like a fake thing where he was disguising himself he had to really be mortal. He could easily have actually been under 35. Those 2 solutions are both possible.

September 2018 - December 2018 ()
#25 Copy

Your Benevolent Dictator

how many references are in cradle

Will Wight

I have no way to answer that

Your Benevolent Dictator

i know of 1   lil blue

Will Wight

Little Blue is absolutely a TFS reference   Can confirm

Your Benevolent Dictator


Your Benevolent Dictator


Your Benevolent Dictator


Will Wight

There are a bunch of references, but I tend to toss them in as I think of them, so idk how many.   They're mostly just jokes for me.

Your Benevolent Dictator

you should throw in something about a family of racoons

Will Wight

I'd like to, but I'm not sure raccoons are native to the area they're in

Your Benevolent Dictator

have a forigner say something

Will Wight

That's true, Eithan could say something

Your Benevolent Dictator

ohh true Eithan is the most badass janitor of all time

Will Wight

He would certainly say so

September 2018 - December 2018 ()
#26 Copy


In soulsmith we saw Eithan giving Lindon madraso why not give the ability to Lindon ... like what if Eithan saw Dross and thought Lindon could handle the family ability and poor madra into him and to push his pure core to true god as well. Man that'd make Dross into BIG BROTHER


Will may have give that answer before skysworn ... because both Jai Chen and the underload gained the ability after absorbing Eithan's madra.

Will Wight

Just noticed this, so I'm popping in: Jai Chen and Jai Daishou got the ability temporarily by draining power from Eithan. They didn't gain it permanently. It's not their bloodline power now.


How temporary are we talking? Would it wear off in hours? Days? Years? I got the impression that it had become a permanent part of her but that she had to actively expend Madra to make it work.

Will Wight

Her madra has permanently changed, but her bloodline hasn’t. And at the point where Jai Chen leaves, she still hasn’t stabilized her madra yet, so it hasn’t settled into its final composition.

This isn’t even its final form, if you will.